Russian Persuasion Read online

Page 6

  “So you’re talking about several generations. I’m surprised they still thought of themselves as Russians.”

  Max chuckled. “It was like an article of faith for them, the same as it was for many other Russian exiles. They insisted that Russia be kept alive in the family, always believing that someday they could return to their real home. I know that the word Russia means strange things to people here, mostly because of the politics of the last century, but Russia is a very old country—over a thousand years old—and its people are deeply loyal to its culture and their own roots.”

  “Did you speak Russian when you were growing up?”

  “At home, yes. I also attended a small Russian school on Saturday mornings to learn what I wasn’t learning in the local schools.”

  “So how many languages do you speak?”

  “Four plus rather bad Italian. You know, though, from your own travels that in Europe that’s not unusual, especially in countries like Switzerland or the Netherlands.”

  Sadie mulled over what she’d heard for a minute and then returned to an earlier question. “Why do you use your Swiss passport and not your Russian one?”

  “In the States it’s simply easier. If I present a Russian passport, I immediately become a person of interest. People whisper and watch, and I’m even regarded with a certain degree of suspicion. A Swiss passport is of little interest here, so I simply take the path of least resistance.”

  Sadie studied the handsome man sitting across from her and found it hard to believe she was here with him. He didn’t fit in any of the pigeonholes she normally put men into, and he was the most fascinating man she’d ever met. He was self-confident and urbane, like a hero in a movie or novel. He reassured her and terrified her at the same time.

  Max watched her studying him and wished he could read minds. Instead, he asked, “Do you want dessert?”

  “I don’t think so. Maybe I’ll wait and eat ice cream while you’re in your meeting.” She smiled in anticipation, her deep blue eyes dancing. “Is the meeting here in the Galleria?”

  “Yes, in the administrative offices, although we’ll go take a last look at the space we’re renting.”

  “Where is it?”

  “Not too far from here, although there’s nothing to see right now. It will take a couple months to transform it into what I want.”

  “Is it going to be like the one in Houston?”

  “Fairly much so.”

  “Too bad you only have one of those beautiful little green boxes.”

  Max looked surprised. He remembered the box that had caught her eye that first day, but he hadn’t realized it had been important enough to her for her to still comment on it. “I’m sure we’ll find something else for the window. Perhaps I’ll let you help me choose.”

  * * *

  Sadie heard her phone buzz and reached for it.

  “Where are you?” came Max’s deep voice.

  “Eating gelato and watching the skaters.”

  “Tell me exactly where you are and I’ll join you.”

  Ten minutes later Max appeared holding a Starbucks. He sat down next to her and gave her one of those devastating smiles. “I didn’t bring you a drink because of your gelato, but if you want one, I’ll go get it.”

  “I’m fine, but thanks anyway.”

  He took a long drink of his coffee and then said, “Everything is signed, and we’re now officially residents of the Dallas Galleria.”

  “Are you going to have to be in Dallas a lot now?”

  He studied her discreetly out of the corner of his eye, hoping her question meant that she cared where he was. “I already have an excellent manager in place here who can look after most things.”

  “Are you going to open in other cities too?”


  They watched the skaters for a few more minutes. “Do you skate?” asked Max, breaking the silence.

  “I used to when I was little. I took lessons at our Galleria. It was a lot of fun, but I hardly ever do it now.”

  “We’ll have to go skating someday.”

  “You skate?” She sounded surprised.

  “I’m a Russian who grew up in Switzerland,” he answered with a chuckle. “Of course I skate.”

  They watched a couple who was more experienced and seemed to be practicing for something, but when Sadie finished her gelato and her hands were free, Max took the one closest to him in his own large hand. Sadie looked surprised but left her hand in his, and Max ran his thumb over her palm distractedly.

  “What else did you do this afternoon?”

  “Not much. I looked in some windows and saw a bag I liked, but I didn’t want to carry a package, so I didn’t buy it.”

  Max laughed. “You don’t sound like a very serious shopper.”

  “I’m usually not. Sometimes I wish I could wave a wand and magically have everything I need already in my closet.”

  “Someday your husband will thank his lucky stars for your disinterest,” he said, his eyes twinkling. Sadie jerked her hand back, and he could feel her body stiffen next to him.

  “Why do you assume it will be my husband’s business if I shop or not? I don’t need a man to buy things for me, and I certainly don’t need a man to be monitoring my spending.”

  Max looked at her in surprise. He’d obviously just walked into one of those prickly areas he’d noticed early on in their short relationship.

  “No, I know you don’t,” he replied in a conciliatory manner, “but even if you buy things for yourself, the money is still spent. When you’re married, it’s all connected.”

  Sadie didn’t reply, so Max decided to change the subject slightly. “We can walk back and see the bag you liked. Now that I’m here, I can carry it for you so you don’t have to be burdened.”

  Sadie could hear the joking in his tone, and she relented and smiled at him. “It’s okay. I don’t need it.” In reality, she would have liked to get it, but she was afraid it would turn into a tug-of-war with his wanting to buy it for her, so she simply avoided the situation. Part of her knew she was being silly, but the other part was feeling threatened by being here with Max. He was just so damn attractive, and not just with his looks. It would be very easy to be lulled into complacency with him, but that seemed scary. Max was unfamiliar territory for her.

  “Do you want to go back to the room now?” he asked, trying to figure out why she suddenly looked so undecided.


  They got up and headed back to the Westin.

  * * *

  “This is great!” exclaimed Sadie looking around. Their booth in Simply Fondue had a high back made of dark wood, adding to the European ambiance. They gave the waiter their order and then settled back for a leisurely evening.

  Max looked across the table at Sadie and felt a great sense of satisfaction. He had this fascinating woman here with him for the next two nights, and he hoped not to waste any of the time. He was a man of honor, and he wouldn’t pressure her into anything she wasn’t comfortable with, but he hoped that their time together would help him understand her better and at the same time make her trust him more.

  He took his glass of wine and raised it in her direction. “To us,” he said simply. “Here’s to a memorable weekend.”

  I Hate Zucchini

  “What are you looking at?” asked Max as he came up behind Sadie, who had been looking out his bedroom window for several minutes now.

  “Just the lights,” she replied. “They’re so beautiful. I’ve always loved city lights at night.”

  Max put his arm around her shoulders. “I find the woman looking at them to be even more beautiful.”

  Sadie paused a minute before answering simply, “Thank you.” When she didn’t turn to look at him, Max continued, “I don’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable, Sadie, but I think it’s time you knew how very attractive I find you, and I mean that in all ways, not just your beauty. You fascinate me.”

  Sadie w
asn’t sure what to say. Max fascinated her, too, but it was that very fascination that made her so nervous. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so pulled towards a man, and that armed all her defenses. She didn’t even know why, but every time she looked at him, she wanted to run away to protect herself from the attraction that was so strong.

  “Look at me, Sadie.” His strong deep voice seemed to command her, and she reluctantly turned so she was facing him and then immediately regretted it. His dark eyes seemed to see right into her, and she felt weak under his gaze. Oh god, why had she come?

  Max pulled her closer and then leaned down and covered her mouth with his own. Sadie stiffened slightly, but as the kiss grew more intense, she relaxed and seemed to melt perfectly into his strong body. The way he was exploring her mouth made it difficult for her to stand.

  “I want to make love to you, Sadie, but only if you want it, too.” He paused, his arms supporting her as if he knew how weak-kneed she felt.

  Somewhere deep inside of her a warning about this powerfully attractive man was trying desperately to get her attention, but she ignored it and heard herself whispering, “Okay.”

  Before she realized what was happening, Max scooped her up as if she weighed nothing and carried her to the bed where he gently laid her down and then lay down next to her. “We have all night, mishka. We don’t have to hurry.”

  Sadie nodded and hoped that he couldn’t hear her heart pounding. Max’s eyes seemed to see everything, and he kissed her again, gently, almost as if to calm her rather than to excite her. He lay next to her, propped up on his elbow studying her and smiling, not unlike a gourmet might as he studied the menu in a famous French restaurant.

  “My beautiful Sadie,” he murmured. Then he sat up and reached for Sadie’s feet, slipping off first one shoe and then the other. He held her second foot in his hand and studied it. “Your feet are beautiful. You didn’t study ballet long enough to ruin them.”

  Sadie looked surprised. It was a pure Max statement, reflecting both a romanticism and knowledge. He knew enough about ballet to recognize that years of advanced dancing made legs and feet ugly, not beautiful. He leaned over and kissed her toes, then took the other foot and did the same.

  He studied her again with that look that said he was reveling in pleasure and then lay down again next to her and brushed her hair away from her face. “Tell me something about Sadie Duval, something that I don’t know.”

  Sadie bit her lower lip. She was fully clothed except for her shoes and yet something about Max’s behavior had her totally on edge—the way he looked at her so intently and made every simple movement sensual. She was being seduced in a way she’d never experienced, slowly and by a man who seemed in complete control of the situation.

  “I hate zucchini.”

  Max laughed. It wasn’t quite what he’d had in mind, but it somehow seemed pure Sadie, and he’d take what he could get. He took his finger and traced her lips, then leaned forward and kissed them lightly. “Very well, we won’t feed you zucchini.”

  He studied her for a minute and then kissed her again, this time with a bit more insistence, and then he let his hand travel downwards to the front of her shirt, where he unbuttoned the top two buttons. “My beautiful Sadie who hates zucchini.”

  Sadie wondered if he was laughing at her, but she didn’t think so. He was just so calm and deliberate, completely unlike the other men she’d been with who would have been breathing heavily and ripping off clothes by this time. Max had obviously meant it when he’d said they didn’t have to hurry.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said as he slipped out the other side of the bed. He removed his own shoes and socks, put on some quiet music, and lowered the lights before returning to the bed, where he finished unbuttoning Sadie’s blouse. He ran his hand gently over her bare midriff and then cupped first one and then the other of her breasts, still tucked inside a lacy lilac bra. Sadie shivered slightly, and Max immediately stopped. “Are you cold?” he asked looking at her intently.


  A slight smile played around his mouth then, and he leaned forward and covered her neck and upper chest with tiny kisses.

  Suddenly, Sadie sat up. “It’s your turn to take off something,” she declared as she started to unbutton his shirt. Max smiled and let her do the work and when all the buttons were undone, he pulled the shirt off and tossed it onto a nearby bench. “Is that better?” he asked, his eyes both twinkling and caressing.


  Max lay back down and pulled Sadie on top of him but then rolled over so that she was under him instead. He kissed her, letting it become passionate, and Sadie’s whole body felt like the fizz on a shaken ginger ale as she felt his hard arms around her and his insistent tongue commanding her mouth.

  Suddenly, Max pulled back and laid his hand on her tummy.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing at all.” He gave her one of those devastating smiles and then started undoing her skirt. He got out of bed so he could pull it off her, and then he took off his own trousers.

  “How come you get to take everything off?” asked Sadie.

  “It’s my room.” He smiled that same devastating smile and then got back on the bed wearing only his shorts. He studied Sadie, who was now clad only in the matching lilac panty and bra that she’d bought especially for this weekend. She’d spent a long time in Dillard’s choosing new underthings to bring on the trip, and now she was glad she had. They weren’t that different from what she wore every day, but they were new, and that made her feel sexy.

  “That’s a beautiful color,” said Max as he eyed the lacy confections. “It’s almost a pity to take them off.” He lay down next to her and pulled her on top of him again and then started running his hands slowly up and down her back and upper legs, letting them linger on her mostly exposed backside. He cupped her cheeks and murmured, “Exactly the right size.”

  “For what?”

  “For my hands, of course. It’s a perfect fit.” He squeezed gently and then gave them a tiny smack. “They’re deliciously multi-purpose,” he added, grinning up at her lying on top of him.

  Sadie couldn’t believe she was lying on top of this gorgeous man discussing her bottom, so she rolled off to the side until she was next to him instead. He put his arm around her and pulled her tightly against him. “Mishka,” he said, half to himself.

  It’s what he’d said before, and now Sadie was curious. “What does that mean?”

  “It’s a term of endearment,” he answered simply.

  “But what does it mean?”

  “It means that I’m happy to be here with you.” With that, he rolled over on top of her again and kissed her deeply, continuing until they were both breathlessly aroused. He put his hands behind her back and undid her bra, pulling it off and then kissing first one and then the other of her firm, newly freed breasts.

  He was strongly moved by her beauty combined with her lack of pretension. He’d been with many sophisticated women, beautiful women who frequented the capitals of the world, but there was something about Sadie that beguiled him—Sadie, who sat on a stone bench in Galveston and watched the seagulls, Sadie, who blushed when he mentioned certain subjects, Sadie, trusting him enough to come to Dallas with him.

  He kissed her again, savoring the taste of her lips and then her mouth, and as their arousal increased yet again, he slipped his fingers under the elastic of her tiny panties and pushed them downwards, leaning down so he could pull them off. He could feel her body quivering, so he ran his hand between her legs and, feeling her complete readiness, quickly pulled his own shorts off and tossed them aside and then used his large hands to spread her legs. He entered her gently, determined to do nothing to spook his wonderful Sadie.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” he whispered as he moved into her. He was large, and he needed to know that they’d fit together well.

  “It’s fine,” answered Sadie in a barely audible voice. He looked a
t her quickly to be sure she was telling the truth and then covered her mouth again with his own.

  Sadie had never before felt so aroused so quickly. In fact, sometimes she’d wondered if she was low on the sexual-interest scale, because she’d found most of her sexual encounters to be pleasant at the time but nothing like what she’d imagined they should be.

  Being with Max was completely different. Every time he touched her, it was like tiny electric sparks were playing with her body, and she’d honestly thought she might have an orgasm just from the way he was kissing her. Now that he was inside her, the sensations were just too much. She was going to come immediately, and then he’d probably think she was some little backwater mouse.

  “Are you okay?” Max asked again as he saw the range of emotions that seemed to be playing across her face.

  Sadie nodded, afraid to say anything, and concentrated on the most exquisite feelings she’d ever experienced in her life. Oh god, she wasn’t sure she could stand it. He wasn’t even moving that much, and her whole body was about to explode like the Fourth of July.

  Max could feel Sadie’s body reacting strongly, so he increased the pressure and drove his tongue deeply into her mouth. Sadie wrapped her legs around him and squeezed, and almost immediately the most amazing waves of convulsions took control of her body, convulsions that made her forget everything except the overpowering and heavenly sensations and Max’s nearness. She clutched him almost desperately, and he held her tightly as they shared a togetherness that shook both of them to the core.

  Max knew that Sadie was like no other woman he’d ever known, and that idea excited him.

  Sadie feared that Max could make her question her own beliefs, her plans for her life even, and that thought terrified her.

  Many Women Find Such a Tingle to be Erotic